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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Writing & Posting Recruitment Ads in Singapore

Effective Recruitment Advertising 

The Recruitment Advertisement  

Very often, most advertisements for recruitment hold back more than they should tell, don't advertise the position, fail to point out the benefits and, more often than not, don't provide the pay details. 

The idea behind effective recruitment advertising is to "seek out  right candidates, take out the wrong ones" 

In your recruitment ad, you should apply the same method a retailer uses to attract potential customers to buy or find out about his/her product. 

Few things your recruitment ad must do: 

  1. Communicate directly to the prospective candidate. 
  2. Develop interest in the position that captivates the candidate to read on. 
  3. Develop a desire to say, "This job looks good," or "This job suits me," or "I must find out more about this job" .
  4. Provide visible benefits of the job and explain why working for the company is the best option.
  5. Explain essential conditions and salary plus expected outcomes  
  6. Provide contact number or email to call in.
  7. Place the ad at areas where your candidates will look at your ad.

Write more effective copy (get their attention) 
Start with a benefit headline or a commanding, interesting attention-getter like: 
• Here are 2 reasons why you should join our crew
• Show us your tested ability in sales and marketing 
• Highly Wanted! ... a capable research assistant who wants to contribute to our development 

Pictures attract the eye, so if you have a logo, use it. 
• A diagram of the job makes it easier for the right candidate to identify with the job position. 

Here are a few examples of our customers ads posted on notice boards:



                 RECRUITMENT AD EXAMPLE 3

Urgent! Warehouse Assistants Wanted - 38 Positions!
  • Fit & Able Body
  • Fast Worker
  • Endure Hardships
  • With or Without Experience
  • 6 Days Work
  • Singaporeans/ Malaysians Welcome

Interested Candidates, Call In

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